Senate approves DICT creation

  • Thursday, 1st March, 2012
  • 04:00am

Dear Clients,


The Senate has passed the bill for the creation of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). Under the bill, agencies such as the ICT Office currently under the Department of Science and Technology the National Computer Center and the Telecommunications Office would be absorbed by the DICT. The National Telecommunications Commission and the Philippine Postal Corp., meanwhile, will be attached agencies.


The DICT will have control over the “e-government fund,” a special account in the yearly state budget created specifically for cross-agency and “citizen-centric” government technology projects under the e-commerce act. The DICT’s main function is to enable the government to expand its ability to conduct activities electronically and provide frontline services through innovative uses of the internet or other emerging technologies.




Sincerely, Inc.

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