What do I need and how can I transfer my TLD (.com, .net, .org) domain to Web.com.ph? Skriv ut

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Here are some conditions before you can transfer your domain to our management:

I. Please ensure that your domain status is UNLOCKED.
II. According to Registry Rule, a domain name must have been registered for more than 60 days since it was first registered OR since it was last transferred. Note that an EXPIRED domain name can not be transferred unless we have the same Registrar. (*)
III. The current administrative contact's email address must be valid or working, this will receive the transfer request link to be approved.
IV. Authentication Code (Auth Code/Authorization Code/EPP Code) obtainable from your current Domain Registrar to be sent to support@web.com.ph.

Domain Transfer Procedure:

1. Go to our Domain Transfer page (https://clients.web.com.ph/cart.php?a=add&domain=transfer).
2. Enter the domain name that you want to transfer provided that you have met the "Conditions" specified above to smoothen the process.
3. Click "Check Availability." Then, follow the next procedures.
4. Secure your payment. Please see our payment options link - https://www.web.com.ph/payment.html. After we have confirmed receipt of your payment, your order shall be processed.
5. Please anticipate our email and click on the APPROVE TRANSFER link. Please follow procedures indicated by your current Domain Registrar regarding the transfer.
6. Your domain name will be transferred 4-5 days after your approval including one (1) year extension.

(*) NOTE: If your current registrar is DIRECTI INTERNET SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. D/B/A PUBLICDOMAINREGISTRY.COM, no need to send us the Authentication Code (Auth Code/Authorization Code/EPP Code). A different procedure shall be undertaken and would just require moving the domain to your new account with us.

1. Go to our Domain Transfer page (https://clients.web.com.ph/cart.php?a=add&domain=transfer). Enter the domain name that you want to transfer.
2. Click "Check Availability." Then, follow the next procedures.
3. Secure your payment. Please see our payment options link - https://www.web.com.ph/payment.html. After we have confirmed receipt of your payment, your order shall be processed.
4. If you have access to your domain management console, please send it to support@web.com.ph so we can initiate MOVE SERVICES. If not, we will send your Customer ID and Email Address, then you will provide those info to your current registrar, for them to initiate MOVE SERVICES.
5. Your domain name should be transferred within minutes including one (1) year extension.

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